Fasting has been reported to improve cognition. Although this may take some time to manifest. The principle of improved memory during fasting is discussed below; A stomach hormone (Grehlin) that stimulates appetite seems to promote the growth of new brain cells and protect them from the effects of ageing – and may explain why some… Continue reading B: FASTING PROMOTES GROWTH OF NEW BRAIN CELLS


Eggs up In a research, Calorie-restricted mice also produced more eggs than normal mice when their ovaries were artificially stimulated, and their eggs were more likely to develop into embryos upon fertilization. The reported data showed that adult-onset caloric restriction prevents the age-related decline in oocyte [egg precursor cell] quality and quantity, this result was… Continue reading C: FASTING COULD EXTEND FEMALE FERTILITY

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Why Interrupted Sleep is Worse than Staying Awake Researchers found that people who experience frequent interruptions during their sleep were less happy and less energetic the next day than people who went to bed late but were able to sleep continuously for a few hours. Not getting enough sleep may make you grouchy, but you… Continue reading SLEEP!


Laughter is a nonverbal vocal expression that often communicates positive affect and cooperative intent in humans. A laugh may signal mockery, humor, joy or simply be a response to tickling, but each kind of laughter conveys a wealth of auditory and social information. Researchers have distinguished between spontaneous and volitional laughter. Spontaneous laughter is emotionally-driven… Continue reading LAUGHTER: JUDGE OF SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS

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Some Sunscreen Ingredients Might be Potentially Toxic

Sunscreen application is the main strategy used to prevent the maladies inflicted by ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Despite the continuously increasing frequency of sunscreen use worldwide, the prevalence of certain sun exposure-related pathologies, mainly malignant melanoma (a cancer type which is mainly caused by sun exposure), is also on the rise. The Sun continuously emits two… Continue reading Some Sunscreen Ingredients Might be Potentially Toxic

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A hangover is a group of unpleasant signs and symptoms that can develop after drinking too much alcohol. frequent hangovers are also associated with poor performance and conflict at work. A general rule is, the more alcohol you drink, the more likely you are to have a hangover the next day. So, if you choose… Continue reading WHEN HANGOVER STRUCKS!!!

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META EMOTIONS: The Feeling You Have about your Feelings

Meta-emotion is an organized and structured set of emotions and cognition about the emotions, both one’s own emotions and the emotions of others. It refers to the idea that whenever we elicit a certain emotion, we also deal with subsequent emotions regarding how we experienced the primary emotion. Meta-emotions are somewhat common: Over half of… Continue reading META EMOTIONS: The Feeling You Have about your Feelings

Air Pollution Contribute to Childhood Obesity

Perinatal exposure to air pollutants is posses threat of childhood obesity in the victims. Multiple studies have found that increased prenatal and early-life exposure to near-roadway pollution (NRP) and second hand smoking (SHS) is associated with increased body mass index (BMI) during childhood which is linked to obesity. Air pollutants such as; Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon… Continue reading Air Pollution Contribute to Childhood Obesity


48 Year Old Mystery Solved Human noroviruses – the leading viral cause of acute diarrhea around the world – have been difficult to study because scientists had not found a way to grow them in the lab. Now, more than 40 years after Dr. Albert Kapikian identified human noroviruses as a cause of severe diarrhea,… Continue reading NOROVIRUS